A Fife couple have been putting the wheels in motion to publish their first book

Kirkcaldy couple Abigail Melton and Lilith Cooper, the authors of Gears for Queers, which is being published this week. Pic: Fife Photo Agency.Kirkcaldy couple Abigail Melton and Lilith Cooper, the authors of Gears for Queers, which is being published this week. Pic: Fife Photo Agency.
Kirkcaldy couple Abigail Melton and Lilith Cooper, the authors of Gears for Queers, which is being published this week. Pic: Fife Photo Agency.
A Kirkcaldy couple who are passionate about cycling are launching ‘Gears for Queers’ this week.

Lilith Cooper and Abigail Melton put pen to paper to write an account of their first cycle tour from Amsterdam to Montpellier on second hand bikes.

The couple completed the challenge in 2016 and it’s a story of the lessons they learned, as well as the fun they had, along the way.

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Lilith explained how the idea for the book emerged from a series of vegan camp stove recipe pamphlets the couple made when they were living in Edinburgh.

The couple will be biking around the town delivering copies on publication day this Thursday. Pic: Fife Photo AgencyThe couple will be biking around the town delivering copies on publication day this Thursday. Pic: Fife Photo Agency
The couple will be biking around the town delivering copies on publication day this Thursday. Pic: Fife Photo Agency

She said these made their way into the hands of Kay, an assistant publisher at Sandstone Press, and she approached the two cycling enthusiasts about writing a book, and supported them through the process.

Lilith said: “When Kay approached us, we thought we’d just give it a go and see if it was something we enjoyed, or were any good at.

“Abi studied English Literature at the University of Edinburgh, so she’d thought about writing before, but neither of us had any real experience.

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“We found writing it a really positive experience, and we also wanted to help challenge some of the preconceptions or ideas about what ‘proper cyclists’ looked like.

“We think queer representation is really important, so we also wanted to share our experiences. The idea for the name actually came from our Instagram handle.

“Abi came up with the handle Gears for Queers as a pun that reflected two things important to us: queer culture and cycling. We hadn’t planned to title the book that, but we were talking to Kay about titles and she suggested it, and it just seemed right!”

She continued: “The whole process took a little over two years - from our first meeting with Kay to a finished manuscript. In that time, we got married, moved to Kirkcaldy and went on another long cycle tour in 2019, when we cycled from Kirkcaldy to Budapest!

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“We were juggling jobs and other work alongside it, but we tried to put aside blocks of time to really focus on it - we spent the whole of January 2019 sitting in Kangus Coffee House working solidly on finishing a first draft. We’ve worked on it all over - and parts of it have been written in Edinburgh, Kirkcaldy, Cambridge and Budapest.

Lilith said they were both really keen to make cycling feel achievable and to share the positive benefits it had had on their physical and mental health.

“I work at Fife College as a campus cycling officer, which is a Cycling UK funded placement with the aim of getting more students and staff cycling,” she said.

“So sharing some of the joys of cycling and encouraging people to get on their bikes was definitely part of the aim of the book.

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“We really wanted to show with the book that you don't have to have all the kit, or be an amazing athlete, or be confident on your bike, to have adventures.

“We both write really openly about disability and mental health in the book too, and we wanted to challenge ideas about what travelling has to look like and try and make it more accessible. We think getting people cycling is important, but we also appreciate that there are lots of external barriers and we wanted to highlight these too - things like safe routes, and access to bikes.”

The book is being published this Thursday and Lilith and Abigail will be biking round Kirkcaldy on the day to deliver copies to friends and neighbours who have ordered them.

They will also be dropping off several copies that were ordered by Pink Saltire as part of their Covid Relief packs.

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To order a copy of the book or find out more visit: www.gearsforqueers.co.uk

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