Fife theatres scrap shows for rest of year

Adam Smith Theatre, Kirkcaldy Adam Smith Theatre, Kirkcaldy
Adam Smith Theatre, Kirkcaldy | JPIMedia
Devastating impact on key venues

The lights in Fife’s main theatres are likely to remain dimmed for the rest of the year.

Fife Cultural Trust has announced it is to cancel shows booked for the remainder of 2020 – and through until Spring 2021.

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That represents a massive financial hit for the arms length organisation.

The decision to shelve everything until Spring 2021 affects the Adam Smith Theatre in Kirkcaldy; Rothes Halls, Glenrothes; Lochgelly Centre and Carnegie Hall in Dunfermline.

It wipes out all scheduled shows booked for the remainder of summer through into autumn. The list includes established stars such as Ruby Wax, Steve Harley, Ladyboys of Bangkok, Janey Godley as well as a raft of local amateur groups.

But, no decision has yet been taken on the Adam Smith’s long-established panto – it’s single biggest source of revenue in terms of ticket sales.

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The theatre is set to host Snow White from December 5 until January 3, and a number of performances are already close to selling out.

Michelle Sweeney, director of creative development. said: “Panto holds such a special place in the theatre as a much-loved annual family favourite and given its timing right at the end of the year, we are still fully examining all options before we make a final decision.”

But the curtain IS set to fall on a host of other shows which had been scheduled for summer and autumn.

Programmes may not return to normal until Spring 2021.

Michelle said it was a difficult call, but the right one to take as it sought to create stability.

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The trust – also known as ONFife – said it has moved to create stability by announcing its theatre programme in all its venues will be postponed until spring 2021.

The decision reflects the need for it to be able to plan ahead with confidence and to provide customers, local amateur companies, professional companies and promoters with the clarity that will allow them to make decisions regarding their own programmes.

Michelle added: “With so much uncertainty around us in the sector we have moved to take the lead and create stability with this decision. It was a difficult call but I’m confident that it is the right one for now.

“It is not possible to fully anticipate how social distancing guidelines will change, but it has been looking increasingly unlikely that we would be able to reopen theatres this autumn as we’d hoped.

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“We will continue to review government guidelines and are poised to review our position should they change considerably but in the meantime the decision to postpone until spring 2021 allows us to provide clarity and support to all those with whom we engage.”

OnFife has been in contact with local groups and professional companies directly and continues to liaise closely with them. Customers with tickets for shows will be contacted by Box Office staff.

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