‘Why not St Andrews?’ ask rail campaigners

StARLink members at the spot of the old station.StARLink members at the spot of the old station.
StARLink members at the spot of the old station.
St Andrews rail campaigners are taking inspiration from the Scottish Government’s decision to give the green light to reopening the Levenmouth rail link.

The surprise announcement last week, which marked the culmination of decades of campaigning, has inspired several people to ask ‘why not St Andrews’, according to StaRLink convenor Jane Ann Liston.

“The StARLink campaign is delighted by the success of the Levenmouth campaign,” she said.

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“We consider it can only help the St Andrews campaign, with several people now asking ‘why not St Andrews?’”

Councillor Liston also argued that the recent traffic problems in Guardbridge, as a result of work on the New Bridge, has strengthened the case for reopening the rail link to St Andrews.

“Each new re-opening further draws attention to the fact that St Andrews is wholly dependent upon road access,” she added.

“The disadvantages of being in such a position have been clear for all to see over the past few weeks when the traffic controls have been in use on the A91 at Guardbridge, with cars and buses all delayed. Adding a rail connection would make the town more resilient.”

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“Levenmouth had a very strong case for the reinstatement of a railway. So has St Andrews, though it is a very different one, based upon the town being a destination for thousands of people every day and throughout the day.”

The St Andrews Sustainable Transport evaluation is underway, with the initial results of the ‘Case for Change’ section expected next month.

This year campaigners in St Andrews marked half a century since the closure of the rail link. To mark the occasion, around a dozen people gathered at the old station, now a car park, looking back to the past but also looking forward to the prospect of bringing rail back to St Andrews.

It is hoped the Levenmouth rail link, which was also closed in 1969, could reopen within the next five years, following the announcement.