They capture many of the people and organisations which made the news headlines in the Fife Free Press in 1982 – including the launch of Alma Confectionery’s legendary Skullcrusher sweets! They proved a huge hit across the UK and made the company a household name.

1. Kirkcaldy 1982
Patrons of Bentley's Nightscene in Kirkcaldy bring in the new year with Nairn Thistle Pipe Band Photo: Fife Free Press

2. Kirkcaldy 1982
Twelve workers from Victoria Hospital labs staged a sit-in as part of a long-running industrial dispute with Fife Health Board. That led to them police staging a dawn raid and charging them under 108-year old law. They were subsequently acquitted in court. Picture shows mass demonstration at the Town Square as the trial began at the adjacent Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court Photo: na

4. Kirkcaldy 1982
Fife Flyers Supporters Club with players and guests at a supper dance held at Anthony's Hotel, Kirkcaldy Photo: Fife Free Press