A huge number of us decided to welcome new puppies into our homes over the last few years – according to Kennel Club figures dog ownership has soared to record levels.
There are a whopping 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, alongside numerous crossbreeds, so there’s plenty of thinking to do before you select your family’s latest addition.
There’s even academic guidance to seek out, with Psychologist Stanley Coren’s book ‘The Intelligence of Dogs’ ranking breeds by instincts, obedience, and the ability to adapt.
Another thing to take into consideration is that some breeds are prone to particular health issues.
An estimated 20 per cent of dogs have some kind of ear infection – ranging from the barely-noticable to the severe – but some breeds far more likely to be affected than others.
Here are the 10 least breeds of dog genetically predisposed to developing ear infections, what to look out for, and how to treat the problem.
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