Six new Nokia phones have been announced in a bid to make smartphones moreaffordable and long-lasting. The Finnish phone maker hopes to encourage usersaround the world to keep their phone for longer.
The devices follow a global trend report revealing that 69 per cent of people thinksmartphones have become too expensive and 81 per cent want phones that canstand the test of time.
Stephen Taylor, CMO at HMD Global, the home of Nokia phones, said: “This reportnot only highlights the love that people globally have for their phones, but also thegrowing wish for a mobile they can trust will keep all their information safe that theycan keep for longer. Each of our six new phones answers a concern that consumersaround the world have raised. Their high-quality performance is maintained overseveral years of use, they all have regular software updates to keep them secure atall times and all the phones, no matter at what price point, work on the latest Androidplatform.”
The six new phones – the X10, X20, G10, G20, C10 and C20 – will be available frommid-April onwards.
INTERACTIONAccording to the findings, we are so reliant on our phones that we touch them anaverage of 142 times a day, spending 18 hours 12 minutes a week looking at thescreen – the equivalent of watching the first two seasons of Game of Thrones back-to-back. Colombia spends the most time looking at their screen at just under fivehours a day, while Germany and Portugal engage the least, for two hours a day.
We also spend an average of two hours and 35 minutes (155 minutes) a day holdingonto our phones - three times the time we spend holding our partners hand (42minutes).Mobile phone usage globally has risen by 90 per cent over the last 10 years, with 83per cent of us now claiming to “love” our phones. This ‘love’ has translated intomobile phones becoming a central hub in all parts of our lives – a third (32 per cent)use their phones for shopping, three quarters (76 per cent) for monitoring theirfinances, two in three (63 per cent) for fitness, workouts and tracking, while 68 percent now turn to their handset to pay for transactions.

The top five ways we use our phones globally:1. Browsing the internet2. Browsing social media3. Listening to music4. Gaming5. Messaging
OUR TRUST IN TECHNOLOGYTrust is an important factor when choosing our mobile partner – 78 per cent of Britssay that knowing their phone is secure is very important to them. Over half (54 percent) admit to being worried about being scammed, with a surprising 42 per cent ofGen Zers (18-24 year olds) saying they have already been scammed.Despite this, 39 per cent admit that they wait at least two weeks to download securityupdates, with one in three (29 per cent) not knowing if their phone has the latestsecurity updates or not, leaving them vulnerable to threats and hackers. One in three(34 per cent) don’t download the updates at all believing that they don’t do anything.
The top five reasons Brits don’t download security updates:1. Thinking it doesn’t do anything (34 per cent)2. Worrying it will slow the phone down (13 per cent)3. Concerns the updates will take too much space on the phone (8 per cent)4. Believing updates will make the handset obsolete (7 per cent)
5. Believing the phone provider will be able to keep an eye on them (2 per cent)CUTTING DOWN THE CHURNWhen it comes to how long Brits keep hold of our phones, on average, we wait lessthan three years before swapping them in. Only one in three keep their phone formore than three years (33 per cent). Despite this, three quarters (73 per cent) admitthat they would like to keep their phone for longer and would (78 per cent) if thedevices maintained their performance over time. One in two (50 per cent) worryabout how their constant upgrading affects the environment with a third (38 per cent)concerned about the excessive electronic waste produced.
The new phones have been streamlined into three distinct lines bringing durability,innovation and quality to consumers:X-series: Nokia X10 and Nokia X20 - refined quality and experiences that youwill love with extra durabilityG-series: Nokia G10 and Nokia G20 – innovative features in a reassuringlysecure package, supported by longest battery life yetC-series: Nokia C10 and Nokia C20 – smartphone essentials you’ll want tokeep for many years thanks to their signature durability