East Neuk emergency reaction group appeals for financial support

An emergency reaction group which has provided help in the East Neuk during the COVID-19 pandemic, has appealed for support from the community.

The East Neuk Community Emergency Planning Team (ENCEPT) which was set up last year, has been supporting those in need during the crisis.

Now the group is asking for financial support.

The ENCEPT coronavirus emergency fund has been launched to allow its volunteers to continue to provide support.

The group has also set up a new service.

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“Community councils across the Neuk worked enthusiastically with ENCEPT, although nobody envisaged the next emergency would be a lockdown due to a pandemic,” said Cllr Linda Holt.

“The network and planning is now paying dividends as ENCEPT and community councils in the Neuk have been on the front foot during the lockdown. ENCEPT has provided advice and co-ordination to local initiatives, a central phone contact point for anyone needing help as well as insurance, training and equipment for volunteers.

“Working with GP surgeries, pharmacies, social care managers and the food bank at Anstruther, ENCEPT is now introducing a free weekly food bag for the most vulnerable elderly people in the Neuk.

“ENCEPT is sourcing funds for this from Fife Council and the Scottish Government, but they are also asking the public to donate where they can. Please support this brilliant and much-needed community initiative.”

For more information about the group, including how to make a donation, visit https://www.facebook.com/ENCEPT.UK.