These photos first appeared in the Fife Free Press group of newspapers, and are just a fraction of the number in our archives. Enjoy this stroll down memory lane.

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A fabulous pic but few details - all we know is it features Tom and Patsy from the Glenrothes area, and, we’re guessing they were heading to New York to take part in the marathon. The picture was taken in 1988 by a Glenrothes Gazette staff photographer Photo: Fife Free Press

. Memories of the 1980s
A step back to 1988 for these environmental awards winners from Rimbleton Primary School and Star Youth Club. Pictured are Tony Kivistik and Louise Riggs with their shield. Among those looking on are Convener Bob King and local councillor Tom Dair (right). Picture taken by David Cruickshanks, staff photographer, Glenrothes Gazette. Photo: Fife Free Press

. Memories of the 1980s
Glenrothes Royal British Legion angling club’s presentation of prizes in 1988, which was held at the Parkway Hotel in Kirkcaldy. Picture from the archives of the Glenrothes Gazette. Photo: Fife Free Press

. Memories of the 1980s
A delegation from China visited Glenrothes in 1988. Their itinerary included a visit to Glenwood High School where this picture was taken. Derek Hutchison, 12, a first year pupil is pictured at the computer, behind him is Mrs Stewart, teacher in charge of the learning resources centre. Picture from the archives of the Glenrothes Gazette. Photo: Fife Free Press

. Memories of the 1980s
Meet the team from St Paul’s FC pictured in Glenrothes in 1988. Picture by Bill Dickman, chief photographer, Fife Free Press Group Photo: Fife Free Press

. Memories of the 1980s
The 1988 launch of The Fight Game, written by renowned boxing journalist Brian Donald who is pictured (left) with Councillor Elizabeth Henderson, who was vice chair of Glenrothes College Council, and Tiny Clephene, a boxer. Picture by David Cruickshanks, staff photographer, Glenrothes Gazette Photo: Fife Free Press

. Memories of the 1980s
Scottish entertainer, Rikki Fulton opening a fete in Kirkcaldy in the early 1980s (Pic: Ian Rice) Photo: Ian Rice

. Memories of the 1980s
Kirkcaldy Junior Ice Hockey Club (KIHC) with their trophies won. Photo: Fife Free Press

5. Memories of the 1980s
The 1988 launch of The Fight Game, written by renowned boxing journalist Brian Donald who is pictured (left) with Councillor Elizabeth Henderson, who was vice chair of Glenrothes College Council, and Tiny Clephene, a boxer. Picture by David Cruickshanks, staff photographer, Glenrothes Gazette Photo: Fife Free Press

6. Memories of the 1980s
Scottish entertainer, Rikki Fulton opening a fete in Kirkcaldy in the early 1980s (Pic: Ian Rice) Photo: Ian Rice

7. Memories of the 1980s
Kirkcaldy Junior Ice Hockey Club (KIHC) with their trophies won. Photo: Fife Free Press

8. Memories of the 1980s
Former Liverpool and Scotland star Ian St John hosting his annual soccer camp, staged at Kirkcaldy High School in summer holidays, late 1980s. Pic by Bill Dickman, chief photographer of the Fife Free Press Photo: Fife Free Press