Fife artists and makers wanted for weekend exhibitions

Fay McGlashan is a jeweller and took part in Central Fife Open Studios last year. Pic: George McLuskie.Fay McGlashan is a jeweller and took part in Central Fife Open Studios last year. Pic: George McLuskie.
Fay McGlashan is a jeweller and took part in Central Fife Open Studios last year. Pic: George McLuskie. | George Mcluskie Photographer 37 Bow Street Buckhaven Fife KY8 1JB 07831 488561/01592716192
Central Fife Open Studios is looking for artists and makers to throw their doors open this summer.

Applications are now open for exhibitors who want to take part in the ever-popular

event – now in its sixth year – which takes place across the first two weekends of


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Thirty artists opened up their homes or studios last year, representing disciplines including painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, jewellery, textile work, metal work, glass, ceramics/pottery, book making, sculpture, woodwork and street art.

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Katie Gammie of Central Fife Open Studios said: “Open studios are a chance for the public to see some amazing artwork and meet the people who make it.

“Central Fife is a real hotbed of artistic talent, with a wide variety of beautiful work being made.

“We’re looking for new artists and makers to exhibit this year.

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“Taking part is a great experience and an excellent way to reach a new audience and meet new people.

“It is an opportunity for artists to open their studio space, invite the public in and talk about their work.

“To make an application, visit our website or follow the links on our Instagram and Facebook pages.”

Central Fife Open Studios covers the area from Inverkeithing and North Queensferry in the west, up to Glenrothes, Leven and Lower Largo in the east.

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The free event was set up five years ago to give professional artists, makers and designers in Central Fife the opportunity to show their work to the public and celebrate the wealth of talent in the area. It has been a great success ever since.

Applications are open until March 14 and should be made online via the website at: [email protected].

Last year was the first time a pop-up was held at Kirkcaldy Galleries, which was a great success and a fabulous vehicle for publicising the forthcoming open studios event.