They first appeared in our newspapers - the Fife Free Press, Glenrothes Gazette and East Fife – and now form part of our extensive online digital archive which chronicles the life and times of the people of Fife across many generations.
If you have old photos you would like to share in future galleries please email [email protected]

1. Fife in the 2000s
Arty fun for these youngsters at Glenwood’s Playscheme in 2004. Photo: Glenrothes Gazette

2. Fife in the 2000s
Youngsters from Auchmuty High School, Glenrothes, at a football tournament sponsored by Coca Cola in the early 200s. Photo: Submitted

3. Fife in the 2000s
A presentation at Balfarg Nursing Home in 2004. Pictured are Joan Todd, officer in charge of nursing; Gladys Spence, officer in charge, residential; receiving their award from Alan Bowman, Fife Council’s director of social work. Also pictured is David Boak, quality auditor. Photo: Glenrothes Gazette

4. SSFF-25-02-24 glenwood 2004 scotupload.jpg
Youngsters from Glenwood High School, Glenrothes, at football tournament circa 2004 Photo: Fife in the 2000s