The summer crowning dates back to 1938,and is the highlight of the town’s Civic Week celebrations.
Betty Ballantyne was the first Rose Queen – the original crown and sceptre also date from that inaugural ceremony.
It was designed and made by Mr & Mrs R.W. Dickie.
These photos from across the decades capture the event and the youngsters crowned Leven’s Rose Queen.

. Leven Rose Queen
The Leven Rose Queen Contest has spanned six decades and five former winners share the happiness of their special day. Betty Henderson 1938. Photo: JULIE BULL

. Leven Rose Queen
Rose Queen Taylor Gillies turns on the town's Christmas lights in 2009. Photo: wn

. Leven Rose Queen
2010 2010 Leven Rose Queen Lauren Farquhar (seated) with the royal party and Mr George Robertson (rear) at the Leven Rose Queen ceremony, Leven Photo: neil doig

. Leven Rose Queen
Rebecca Balfour - Leven Rose Queen 2012 - makes her proclamation after her crowning Photo: neil doig

3. Leven Rose Queen
Rose Queen Taylor Gillies turns on the town's Christmas lights in 2009. Photo: wn

4. Leven Rose Queen
2010 2010 Leven Rose Queen Lauren Farquhar (seated) with the royal party and Mr George Robertson (rear) at the Leven Rose Queen ceremony, Leven Photo: neil doig