The bar has been taken over by Jon Stanley, after longstanding landlord Nick Bromfield passed away.
The Harbour Bar is now reopening with a range of new beers on draught and cask, after a period of refurbishment.
. High St - Kirkcaldy - Fife -
Harbour Bar - new owner JON STANLEY -
credit- Fife Photo Agency
Kirkcaldy's Harbour Bar has a new owner, Jon Stanley. Pic: Fife Photo Agency Photo:
. Inside the new Harbour Bar
The entrance to the bar. Photo: Fife Photo Agency
. Inside the Harbour Bar
Take a look inside. Photo:
1. Inside the new Harbour Bar
The entrance to the bar. Photo: Fife Photo Agency
2. Inside the Harbour Bar
Take a look inside. Photo:
3. Inside the Harbour Bar
New owner Jon Stanley. Photo: Fife Photo Agency
4. Inside the Harbour Bar
The inside has been refurbished. Photo: Fife Photo Agency