They first appeared in the Fife Free Press and Glenrothes Gazette newspapers, and will spark many memories of relatives, friends and former colleagues. If you have old photos from Fife you’d like to see in a future gallery, please email them, together with some details, to [email protected]

5. Fife in the 1970s
Ready to open its doors to customers in November 1973 is Kirkcaldy's new £1m shopping centre, The Mercat - and check out those cars parked right at the door!. Photo: Fife Free Press

6. Fife in the 1970s
In 1973 local schoolchildren were given a month's free tuition at Kirkcaldy's Alma Bowl. Being shown how to get the perfect strike is Linda Christie, a pupil at Capshard Primary School. Photo: Fife Free Press

7. Fife in the 1970s
Unveiling the plaque in Kirkcaldy dedicated to the inventor of Standard Time and railway engineer Sir Sandford Fleming (1827-1915) in October 1973. Photo: Ian Brand

8. Fife in the 1970s
Kirkcaldy YMCA’s junior drama group put on a performance of ‘Rumpelstiltskin’ in the clubrooms. It was produced by Mrs Jean Fleming. May 1973. Photo: n/a