ExxonMobil said last night they have replaced a faulty part on a compressor and are “working round the clock” to restart the machine as soon as possible, which could mean seeing some “fluctuations in the elevated flare.”
But the Scottish Environment Protection Agency said on Monday night that they had received 380 complaints about the flaring since it started early on Sunday morning, and that although it is authorised and an important safety feature of industrial sites, it has been happening “too often".
Many people shared images of the bright orange glow which could seen for miles around Edinburgh, Fife and the Lothians...

. Mossmordor
Sarah Daly shared this dramatic image and quipped: "Mossmordor is at it again!" Photo: Sarah Daly

. Comely Bank
This incredible image was taken by Neil McRobie in Comely Bank Avenue, Edinburgh. Photo: Neil McRobie

1. Mossmordor
Sarah Daly shared this dramatic image and quipped: "Mossmordor is at it again!" Photo: Sarah Daly

2. Comely Bank
This incredible image was taken by Neil McRobie in Comely Bank Avenue, Edinburgh. Photo: Neil McRobie

3. Complaints
Sepa said on Monday night that they have received 380 complaints about the flaring in the previous two days. Pic: Ash Alay Photo: Ash Alay

4. Orange Glow
The flaring resulted in a bright orange glow which can be seen for miles around. Pic: Scott Cuthbertson Photo: Scott Cuthbertson