Baby of the week: Ruaridh Paul

Baby of the Week Ruaridh Paul.Baby of the Week Ruaridh Paul.
Baby of the Week Ruaridh Paul.
Ruaridh John Nelson Paul was born on April 12, 2018 at the Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy at 2.26am.

The parents... Kerry Williams and Kai Paul

The pregnancy... Kerry said her pregnancy wasn’t the easiest. She experienced hypermesis (severe sickness) and also had to have surgery when she was seven months pregnant to remove small blood clots.

What kind of baby is he... Ruaridh is a chilled and happy baby. He loves cuddles, bath time and definitely loves feeding time.

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The name... Kai is from Cornwall so they wanted something that was Celtic or Gaelic that would tie in with Cornwall. His middle names John and Nelson are after his late grandad and great-great-grandad.

The proud grandparents... Dawn Williams and Phil Milligan and Tina and Kevin Paul

Anyone you’d like to thank... Kerry would like to thank Kai for being her rock during the pregnancy and to Jack for being an amazing big brother.