Fife Carers Centre donates knitted blankets to care home

Resident at Camilla home with Fife Carers Centre befriending coordinator Sylwia Nadolny and volunteer Tomas SimeResident at Camilla home with Fife Carers Centre befriending coordinator Sylwia Nadolny and volunteer Tomas Sime
Resident at Camilla home with Fife Carers Centre befriending coordinator Sylwia Nadolny and volunteer Tomas Sime
Fife Carers Centre have knitted a dozen colourful blankets that have been donated to an Auchtertool care home.

Fife carers centre is a local charity that supports hundreds of unpaid carers every year. It includes a befriending project delivered by volunteers who are giving up their time to support socially isolated, lonely people caring for family member or a friend. The project consists of one to one befriending as well as social/activities groups across Fife.At the end of 2022 the project included 30 volunteers plus the same number of unpaid carers receiving one to one befriending and another 30 attending various local groups.The centre is very lucky to have reliable and knowledgeable volunteers that are happy to share their skills and life experience with people they support. They have always been very proactive and willing to undertake extra tasks and additional little projects.

A spokesperson for Fife Carers Centre said: “At the beginning of last year, the volunteers along with the befriending coordinator, decided on another challenge to be completed by the end of the year. It was to be: encouraging carers and other volunteers to improve mental health by practicing manual skills.“This is when the idea of knitting small squares was born. They enjoyed it so much that have decided to make it into something meaningful, something that can be of a benefit to others. They all agreed to produce at least a dozen soft, colourful blankets that residents of a chosen care home could enjoy and keep them warm. Taking into consideration increasing cost of living, people having less money to afford nice things, it was considered to be a lovely idea to proceed with.“The home in Auchtertool - Camilla House – and its residents were pleased to receive the blankets, made with kind hearts and delivered with a smile of happy volunteers.

"The little kindness gesture and a cheerful reaction of residents along with bright colours of blankets made all the effort worth doing.”

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