Columnist: Finally finding out what all this Thrones hype is about

Debbie Clarke was a little behind on the Game of Thrones fad...Debbie Clarke was a little behind on the Game of Thrones fad...
Debbie Clarke was a little behind on the Game of Thrones fad...
It has taken me a while to get round to it but I have finally started working my way through 'Game of Thrones'.

This has been one of those series that everyone seems to have been watching for a long time already but somehow I had never taken an interest in it ... until now. While I was on holiday recently I decided to watch it from the beginning to see what all the fuss is about. Firstly I have to say it is a bit racy so if you are prudish I would not recommend “Game of Thrones”. It can also be a bit violent. But that aside I have found myself hooked. I have been enjoying the storylines (not all, some of them have been dragged out) but by and large they have been really good. I like the characters as well - my particular favourites are Tyrion Lannister, played superbly by Peter Dinklage and the Mother of Dragons, Daenerys Targaryen, played by Emilia Clarke. I won’t give anything away for anyone reading this who hasn’t seen it but some of the series’ most memorable scenes have been the most shocking and have taken viewers completely by surprise. It has been good to watch something which isn’t predictable for a change and leaves you wondering what is going to happen next. I am nearly at the end of the last series (series five), just in time for the new one starting later this month. I watch a few television series and some are better than others. I would say “Game of Thrones” is definitely one of the best I have seen for a long time. A good TV boxset helps to make the winter months bearable. Now the weather is starting to improve and we have more daylight hours, it is time to start thinking about spending more time outdoors. It won’t be long now until the summer arrives when we will hopefully have more sunshine and warmer temperatures.