They celebrated local success, and spotlighted the fundraising efforts of businesses and many organisations.
There are more great memories here:

. Memories of 1992
Kirkcaldy Amateur Operatic Society staged Irene at the Adam Smith Theatre- the comical Cinderella story of poor girl meets rich boy. Photo: FFP

. Memories of 1992
1992 saw huge fundraising efforts for the Sick Kids Hospital in Edinburgh. Among the many cheques handed over was this one for £1200 from the Parkway Hotel - now known as the Beveridge Park Hotel. It was raised via Santa parties held during the 1991 Christmas period, and handed over by manager Charbel Bou Aoun Photo: FFP

. Memoriesof 1992
More fundraising for the Sick Kids Hospital in Edinburgh - this time home baking netting £1000 by the staff of Fife Building Supplies. That's a lot of home baking! Photo: FFP

9. Memories of 1992
Swimming star Duncan Goodhew joined local youngsters in the water at Kirkcaldy Swimming Pool to raise £7000 for BT’s 1992 Swimathon Photo: FFP

10. Memories of 1992
Pupils from Balwearie High School travelled to Kirkcaldy's German twin town of Inglostadt in Bavaria. They spent part of their week away gaining work experience at the local Audi factory. Photo: FFP

11. Memories of 1992
Twelve locals from the Heritage Bar in Kirkcaldy polished off plates of pasta during a sponsored eat-in and raised £300 to help buy a guide dog for the blind. Photo: FFp