Wi-fi added to two St Andrews buildings

Two public building in St Andrews will soon be able to offer wi-fi.

A request for funding for wi-fi accessibility in the St Andrews Town Hall and Victory Memorial Hall was made to North East Fife area committee.

The funding, £4190 and £4880 respectively, was approved by councillors.

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Haydays, a community group for the over 50s, had asked for internet access in the town hall so they could research and download information for group work. They also offer basic computer training.

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The staff at the site have regularly received requests for internet access from one off bookings and groups which use the facilities.

While Victory Hall is expected to be hired out by the health and social care department to be used for day care provision and staff will need internet access to carry out work.

At the committee meeting, Councillor Tim Brett asked if the plan to complete town wide wi-fi would affect this.

However, lead officer Janice Laird said that: “The group that was looking at town wide wi-fi said it would be too expensive to pursue, and it is no longer taking that plan forward.”