1979: The Kirkcaldy shop owner who took his staff on a foreign holiday

Pic: Fife Free PressPic: Fife Free Press
Pic: Fife Free Press
The name John Mathieson (Footfitters) was part of Kirkcaldy’s High Street for generations.

The shop fitted generations of schoolchildren with shoes, and was held in high regard by many customers.

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In March 1979, the owner, John Mathieson, underlined the family approach to his employees by taking them on holiday to Magaluf at his own expense.

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Before flying out, they all gathered at his home for drinks.

Pictured on the left are Mr and Mrs Mathieson with Tina Williamson, Betty Johnston, Evelyn Young, Doreen Elder, Mary Hogg. Standing are Lynn Macdonald, Pat Leslie, Jean Morris, and Anne Reid

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