How Fife tenants can now check up on landlords’ performance

Tenants in Fife can now check up on how their landlords are performing.

Independent body, the Scottish Housing Regulator, has released its annual landlord reports.

The online assessments allow nearly 40,000 Fife households to see how their landlord has performed against the Scottish Social Housing Charter in the areas that matter most to them – homes and rents, quality and maintenance of homes, neighbourhoods, tenant satisfaction and value for money.

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The reports are designed to help tenants hold their landlords to account. T

The Regulator’s interactive on-line comparison tool helps empower thousands of tenants who, this year, can compare how their landlord has done over the first six years of the Charter.

They can also review performance against a national average and against other landlords.

The Regulator has also published a charter headlines report on the performance picture nationally.

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It shows that most social landlords across Scotland are performing well against the Scottish Social Housing Charter.

They have also maintained a strong performance across most of the charter standards, and, overall, tenant satisfaction remains high with nine out of ten satisfied with their landlord’s performance.

George Walker, who chairs the Scottish Housing Regulator, said: “It’s good to see the continued strong performance from Scotland’s social landlords this year.

“They’ve maintained performance and continue to do well in the areas tenants said matter most.”

Tenants can read the Regulator’s reports, access the on-line comparison tool on the Regulator’s website HERE